How was it for you?
I thought it would be interesting to know how some of the authors of the first accepted papers in PLoS ONE felt about their experience with us.
In marketing speak, people who enjoy using new products are known as "early adopters". They are the holy grail audience for those of us, like me, who get a kick out of launching stuff.
Here’s what Suzanne Pfeffer, Professor of Biochemistry at Stanford University, USA and author of the PLoS ONE paper entitled Clues to neuro-degeneration in Niemann-Pick Type C disease from global gene expression profiling, had to say: “I could not have been more pleased in terms of the handling of our recent paper by PLoS ONE. I support wholeheartedly the concept of a journal that seeks to present quality papers that "make a valuable contribution to the scientific literature”. I look forward to any and all feedback, and so value open access to our datasets”.
Another satisfied customer is Mary K. Danks, Associate Member in Molecular Pharmacology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA, author of the paper entitled Development of a Tumor-Selective Approach to Treat Metastatic Cancer said: "The PLoS ONE editorial staff was one of the most helpful, easy-to-work with teams I have ever interacted with".
Of course, what we marketing folks particularly like is when our audience spontaneously decides to spread the word. This is known as viral marketing. There's nothing more compelling than hearing about a new project from colleagues. Marc Mangel, Professor of Mathematical Biology, Fellow, Stevenson College, USA let us know that one of his students forwarded our editorial entitled ONE for all via email under the subject heading "This project rocks".
So what does all this show? To me, it confirms that the most persuasive communication doesn't come from marketing copy-writers – it comes from the community. And that's what PLoS ONE is all about, giving the research community new tools so they can discuss their science and inspire more rapid scientific progress for the benefit of all.