Managing Online Community
This is my first post here as the new Online Community Coordinator at PLoS ONE and I would like to use it just as a brief introduction – who am I and what will my job be.
My scientific background is in chronobiology, animal physiology and behavior. I have organized the first Science Blogging Conference and edited the first Science Blogging Anthology. I also run my own personal blog, A Blog Around The Clock and that is where PLoS and I found each other – the story is quite interesting in itself.
My main goal is to increase the number of comments, ratings and annotations on the PLoS ONE papers, without compromising their quality. I have some ideas how to go about it, and so do the other members of the PLoS team, but I am always interested in hearing others (comments section of this post is a perfect place for just such ideas you may have). Scientists are generally shy about posting stuff online, but a growing number of science bloggers shows that it is possible for them to change their habits! So, please help me in this difficult task 😉
Also, as a blogger with some experience, it naturally fell unto me to become the person in charge of the day-to-day function and the future development of this blog. So, watch this space – over the next several weeks and months I will be gradually implementing changes in the look and feel of this blog, the functionalities and overall tone. I hope you will find the changes intriguing and refreshing and will make this place a regular destination in your daily online activity. Again, I will appreciate all the feedback that you can give me in the comments here.