A new face for staging.plos.org on Facebook
PLoS grew too big for its Facebook group (we have over 1500 members) so we've opened up a staging.plos.org page instead. If you follow the link, you can get a flavor of the site without needing to join but to participate, you will need to sign up. Becoming a fan of the page is one good way to remain up-to-date with the latest developments at PLoS.
The staging.plos.org page keeps the wider community and public informed of global progress in the OA movement, new journal launches, site enhancements, new PLoS blog posts, relevant insider jobs, discussions and is updated on a nearly daily basis. There are also opportunities for fans to add content such as photos and videos.
If you are new to Facebook and possibly a little wary of joining, let me reassure you that signing up is very quick and simple, there's no need to generate an in-depth personal profile if you don't want to (although some basic information is required).
The page operates in as unobtrusive a manner as possible, for example, although Facebook offers the ability to email the whole group at once, that's an option we rarely use, and if we do, it's normally for an important announcement such as when we would like our fans to take some form of grass roots action on our behalf.
Pre-existing members of the group should note that we've migrated you all to the new page (and closed the old group), so no action is required on your part, you are already fans. Naturally, if you don't like what you see when you check us out for the first time you are free to leave (but we sincerely hope that you will not, rather that you'll invite your friends to join!).
We look forward to welcoming you to our page.