2010 T-shirt Design: PLoS Computational Biology
Back in March, we asked you to send us your designs for the 2010 PLoS Computational Biology T-shirt. Our call was answered and T-shirts are, as I write, being printed in preparation for the ISMB 2010 conference in Boston next month (for more details see http://www.staging.plos.org/cms/node/534).
The design selected this year was created by Kifayathullah Liakath Ali, a molecular biologist with the Mouse Genetics Programme at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK, currently working on high throughput gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. Kif’s striking illustration shows a percolation network intertwined with PLoS’ signature globe motif, and he chose it because of percolation theory’s far-reaching applications. He says that, among others, ‘The percolation network has been used to study the evolution of gene regulatory networks, protein interaction networks, protein complexes and pathways [and] development of vascular architecture in eukaryotes’.
We would like to thank Kif and all the other entrants for taking the time to create and send us their designs. We will have a limited number of T-shirts at Booth 10 at ISMB and we may also be saving a few for the people with the best questions at the PLoS Workshop!