Fossil Friday Roundup: July 27, 2018
Featured Image: Reconstruction of Akainacephalus johnsoni in left lateral view. Preserved material in the skeletal reconstructions is highlighted in orange. From Wiersma and Irmis (2018), CC-BY.
Papers (All Open Access):
- Equatorial cold-water tongue in the Late Ordovician (Geology)
- Stratigraphic characteristics of Quaternary deposits on the left bankof the Sava River near Belgrade (ANNALES GÉOLOGIQUES DE LA PÉNINSULE BALKANIQUE)
- A novel approach to study the morphology and chemistry of pollen in a phylogenetic context, applied to the halophytic taxon Nitraria L.(Nitrariaceae) (PeerJ)
- The influence of different deep-sea coral habitats on sediment macrofaunal community structure and function (PeerJ)
- No substantial long-term bias in the Cenozoic benthic foraminifera oxygen-isotope record (Nature Communications)
- Experimental neoichnology of crawling stalked crinoids (Swiss Journal of Paleontology)
- Shark and ray diversity in the Tropical America (Neotropics)—an examination of environmental and historical factors affecting diversity (PeerJ)
- New insights into Late Triassic dinosauromorph-bearing assemblages from Texas using apomorphy-based identifications (PaleoBios)
- A new southern Laramidian ankylosaurid, Akainacephalus johnsoni gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Campanian Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah, USA (PeerJ)
- The real Bigfoot: a pes from Wyoming, USA is the largest sauropod pes ever reported and the northern-most occurrence of brachiosaurids in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation (PeerJ)
- A mandible of Diacodexis cf. gigasei (Artiodactyla, Diacodexeidae) from the Early Eocene locality of Palette (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) (MorphMuseuM)
- Evolutionary transformations of the malleus in pinnipeds, with emphasis on Southern Hemisphere taxa (Contributions to Zoology)
- Differential aging of growth plate cartilage underlies differences in bone length and thus helps determine skeletal proportions (PLOS Biology)
- Non-integumentary melanosomes can bias reconstructions of the colours of fossil vertebrates (Nature Communications)
PrePrints and PostPrints:
- Improvements in the fossil record may largely resolve the conflict between morphological and molecular estimates of mammal phylogeny (bioRXiv)
- Modelling predation and mortality rates from the fossil record of gastropods (bioRXiv)
Community Events, Society Updates, and Resources:
- 78th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP), October 17–20, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico (Link)
- 2018 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 4–7, 2018, Indianapolis, Indiana (Link)
- North American Paleontological Convention June 23–27 2019 (Link)
News and Views:
Animals and Anatomy:
- The Real Bigfoot: Behind the scenes with the largest dinosaur foot ever discovered (PeerJ Blog)
- The camarasaur that was more than it seemed (SVPOW)
- Introducing Akainacephalus johnsoni (Letters From Gondwana)
- Fossil Friday – softshell turtle (Valley of the Mastodon)
- Rediscovering a Dinosaur Named Elmer (The Field Museum)
Methods and Musings:
- Geologic Mapping on Mars (Time Scavengers)
- The 10 most common mistakes when choosing a title for your paper (PeerJ Blog)
- Quantum Start-up Week (Musings of a Clumsy Paleontologist)
- 8th Grader Fossil Fun! (Time Scavengers)
Museums, Folks and Fieldwork:
- An Inside View of Dinosaurs in the Wild (Tetrapod Zoology)
- The Evolving Museum Revisited (What’s in John’s Freezer?)
- Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes (Raptormaniacs)
Art, Books, Culture, Fun:
- Book Review – After Man: A Zoology of the Future (The Inquisitive Biologist)
Do you have some news, a blog, or something just plain cool you want to share with the PLOS Paleo Community? Email it to us at, tweet it to us at @PLOSPaleo, or message us on Facebook.