Fossil Friday Roundup: November 30, 2018
Featured Image: Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of feathers. From Schweitzer et al. (2018), CC-BY.
Papers (All Open Access):
- Value of species and the evolution of conservation ethics (RSOS)
- New perspectives in the study of the Earth’s magnetic field and climate connection: The use of transfer entropy (PLOS ONE)
- Multi-decadal to centennial hydro-climate variability and linkage to solar forcing in the Western Mediterranean during the last 1000 years (Scientific Reports)
- Exploration of deep terrestrial subsurface microbiome in Late Cretaceous Deccan traps and underlying Archean basement, India (Scientific Reports)
- AGMT3-D: A software for 3-D landmarks-based geometric morphometric shape analysis of archaeological artifacts (PLOS ONE)
- Progressive Photonics: Methods and applications of sequential imaging using visible and non-visible spectra to enhance data-yield and facilitate forensic interpretation of fossils (Journal of Paleontological Techniques)
- Preservation potential of keratin in deep time (PLOS ONE)
- Early Archean origin of Photosystem II (Geobiology)
- The Core Eudicot Boom Registered in Myanmar Amber (Scientific Reports)
- Grassland fire ecology has roots in the late Miocene (PNAS)
- A Macroscopic Charcoal and Multiproxy Record from Peat Recovered from Depression Marshes in Longleaf Pine Sandhills, Florida, USA (Quaternary)
- Reinterpretation of an endangered taxon based on integrative taxonomy: The case of Cynara baetica (Compositae) (PLOS ONE)
- Seasonality modulates the predictive skills of diatom based salinity transfer functions (PLOS ONE)
- Biodiversity of museum and bulk field samples compared: The Eocene Chiampo sponge fauna, Lessini Mountains, Italy (APP)
- Oldest Record of the Bivalve Dosinisca Dall and Its Implications (Indian Academy of Sciences)
- Microbial-tubeworm associations in a 440 million year old hydrothermal vent community (ProcB)
- A needle in a haystack: Mesozoic origin of parasitism in Strepsiptera revealed by first definite Cretaceous primary larva (Insecta) (PeerJ)
- Independent origins of female penis and its coevolution with male vagina in cave insects (Psocodea: Prionoglarididae) (Biology Letters)
- Holocene benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages in a paleo-hydrothermal vent system of Campi Flegrei (Campania, South Italy) (PalaeoE)
- Postmortem transport in fossil and modern shelled cephalopods (PeerJ)
- First record of the ammonite genus Graefenbergites (Perisphinctoidea: Passendorferiinae) from the late Oxfordian of the Swabian Alb (SW Germany) (Palaeodiversity)
- A new look at an old question: when did the second whole genome duplication occur in vertebrate evolution? (Genome Biology)
- Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation (Nature)
- The dentition of a eugeneodontiform shark from the Lower Pennsylvanian of Derbyshire, UK (APP)
- Historical biogeography reveals new independent evolutionary lineages in the Pantosteus plebeius-nebuliferus species-group (Actinopterygii: Catostomidae) (BMC Evolutionary Biology)
- How (and why) fins turn into limbs: insights from anglerfish (EESTRSE)
- Unique pelvic fin in a tetrapod-like fossil fish, and the evolution of limb patterning (PNAS)
- Phylogeny, ecology and deep time: 2D outline analysis of anuran skulls from the Early Cretaceous to the Recent (Palaeontology)
- A new Early Cretaceous Anuran amphibian from Northeast China (Geological Bulletin of China)
- Current Perspectives on Tooth Implantation, Attachment, and Replacement in Amniota (Frontiers in Physiology)
- Cranial anatomy of the gorgonopsian Cynariops robustus based on CT-reconstruction (PLOS ONE)
- Tanystropheid archosauromorphs in the Lower Triassic of Gondwana (APP)
- Braincase and endocranial anatomy of two thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs and their relevance in understanding their adaptations to the marine environment (PeerJ)
- Reptile trace fossils found in Middle Triassic Guanling Formation of northeast Yunnan area (Geological Bulletin of China)
- History and evolution of Stegosaurus in China (Geological Bulletin of China)
- An exceptionally preserved association of complete dinosaur skeletons reveals the oldest long-necked sauropodomorphs (Biology Letters)
- Discovery of Omeisaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) in the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation of Yunyang, Chongqing, China (Vertebrata PalAsiatica)
- New discovery of Cretaceous dinosaur track fauna in Xichang basin, Sichuan Province (Geological Bulletin of China)
- Patterns of microchromosome organization remain highly conserved throughout avian evolution (Chromosoma)
- Bracketing phenogenotypic limits of mammalian hybridization (RSOS)
- Advances in Quaternary Studies: The Contribution of the Mammalian Fossil Record (Quaternary)
- Unique morphogenetic signatures define mammalian neck muscles and associated connective tissues (eLife)
- Variability in the oxygen isotope compositions of modern rodent tooth carbonate: Implications for palaeoclimate reconstructions (P3)
- A new capybara from the late Miocene of San Juan Province, Argentina, and its phylogenetic implications (APP)
- First occurrence of the enigmatic peccaries Mylohyus elmorei and Prosthennops serus from the Appalachians: latest Hemphillian to Early Blancan of Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee (PeerJ)
- Bone histology provides insights into the life history mechanisms underlying dwarfing in hipparionins (Scientific Reports)
- Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales (Current Biology)
- Palaeohistology and life history evolution in cave bears, Ursus spelaeus sensu lato (PLOS ONE)
- Hominin cranial fragments from Milner Hall, Sterkfontein, South Africa (South African Journal of Science)
- The SKX 1084 hominin patella from Swartkrans Member 2, South Africa: An integrated analysis of its outer morphology and inner structure (Comptes Rendus Palevol)
- The impact of environmental change on Palaeolithic and Mesolithic plant use and the transition to agriculture at Franchthi Cave, Greece (PLOS ONE)
- Deciphering Neolithic activities from a Cardial burial site (Cova Bonica) on the western Mediterranean coast (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports)
- Adaptation, speciation and extinction in the Anthropocene (ProcB)
PrePrints and PostPrints:
- Ignoring stratigraphic age uncertainty leads to erroneous estimates of species divergence times under the fossilized birth-death process (bioRXiv)
Community Events, Society Updates, and Resources:
- 1st Palaeontological Virtual Congress, December 1–15, 2018 (Link)
- North American Paleontological Convention June 23–27 2019 (Link)
News and Views:
Animals and Anatomy:
- Decorah gastropods (and some things that look like gastropods) (Equatorial Minnesota)
- Early fish development sheds light on limb evolution (Time Scavengers)
- Episode 48 – Sharks (Common Descent)
- Sawback Turtle Gets a New Look (Laelaps)
- Helveticosaurus: the small-headed, long-armed Triassic marine reptile that just wants to be your friend :( (Mark Witton)
- This huge plant eater thrived in the age of dinosaurs — but wasn’t one of them (Science News)
- Nasutoceratops: Prehistoric Beast of the Week (PBW)
- Introducing Macrocollum itaquii (Letters from Gondwana)
- Your Friends The Titanosaurs, part 6: Austroposeidon, titanosaurs of Balochistan, and Baotianmansaurus (Equatorial Minnesota)
- Lydekker’s (1893) illustration of Xenoposeidon (SVPOW)
- How Dinosaurs Chewed without Cheeks (Laelaps)
- Dazzle Like a Diamond in the Rough: The Evolution of Iridescent Plumage (Raptormaniacs)
- Embryological study of the skull reveals dinosaur-bird connection (Link)
- Fossil Friday – Squalodon whitmorei (Valley of the Mastodon)
- Twilight of the Almost-Primates (Synapsida)
Methods and Musings:
- Pre-Submission Manuscript Scrutiny (What’s in John’s Freezer?)
- Academic-Led Publishing: an interview in which I am somehow represented as an expert (SVPOW)
- Advice on Academic Publishing & Coauthorship (Time Scavengers)
- How are dinosaurs named? (Popular Science)
- Peer review: time to get ECRs involved (PLOS ECR)
- This Mesozoic Month: November 2018 (LITC)
Featured Folks, Fieldwork, and Museums:
- Interview with Gabriel Ugueto (Archosaur Musings)
- Viva Maximo! The Field Museum’s Titanosaur (Dave’s Dinosaurs)
Arts, Books, Culture, Fun:
- Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs! – review (LITC)
- Book review – Human Errors: A Panorama of Our Glitches, from Pointless Bones to Broken Genes (The Inquisitive Biologist)
- Red (Long)Dead Redemption 2 (PaleoPorch)
- How dinosaurs are brought back to life—through art (National Geographic)
- The Anthropocene and The Ice People (Giant Science Lady)
- The 2018 Dinosaur Gift Guide (LITC)
Do you have some news, a blog, or something just plain cool you want to share with the PLOS Paleo Community? Email it to us at, tweet it to us at @PLOSPaleo, or message us on Facebook.