Fossil Friday* Roundup: July 6, 2019
*Saturday edition
Featured Image: Right lateral view of the Cioclovina calvaria exhibiting a large depressed fracture. From Kranioti et al. (2019).
Papers (All Open Access):
- Accelerated diversifications in three diverse families of morphologically complex lichen-forming fungi link to major historical events (SciRep)
- Preliminary investigation of a diverse megafossil floral assemblage from the middle Miocene of southern Mississippi, USA (PalaeoE)
- Quantifying intra- and interspecific variability in trilobite moulting behaviour across the Palaeozoic (PalaeoE)
- Reaching across the ocean of time: A midge morphotype from the Cretaceous of Gondwana found in the Eocene Baltic amber (PalaeoE)
- Remarkable new fossil species of Schistostoma Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Microphorinae) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Zootaxa)
- Systematic notes on the Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) described from Burmese amber (Link)
- A new dustywing (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) from the Early Cretaceous amber of Spain (Link)
- Patterns of richness of freshwater mollusks from Chile: predictions of its distribution based on null models (PeerJ)
- Oriented microwear on a tooth of Edestus minor (Chondrichthyes, Eugeneodontiformes):
Implications for dental function (PalaeoE) - Micro-computed tomography imaging reveals the development of a unique tooth mineralization pattern in mackerel sharks (Chondrichthyes; Lamniformes) in deep time (Link)
- Ecomorphological diversification in squamates from conserved pattern of cranial integration (Link)
- Reappraisal of the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the alligatoroid crocodylian Diplocynodon hantoniensis from the late Eocene of the United Kingdom (Link)
- Marine reptiles and climates of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Siberia (Link)
- Osteohistology of the silesaurid Sacisaurus agudoensis from southern Brazil (Late Triassic) and implications for growth in early dinosaurs (Link)
- First Record of Sauropod Remains from the Maastrichtian Marília Formation (Bauru Group) of Monte Alegre de Minas since Friderich von Huene ́s Description in 1931 (Link)
- A research of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur fauna in Tianyuan, Zhuzhou and measures proposed for their protection and utilization (Link)
- Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Maling Mountain of Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province:From tiger to carnivorous dinosaur and from folklore to paleontology (Link)
- Spinosaurid theropod teeth from the Red Beds of the Khok Kruat Formation (Early Cretaceous) in Northeastern Thailand (Link)
- Theropod teeth from the Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation of Western Siberia, Russia (Link)
- A Problematic Tyrannosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) Skeleton and Its Implications for Tyrannosaurid Diversity in the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Alberta (Link)
- Skeletal completeness of the non‐avian theropod dinosaur fossil record (Palaeontology)
- A femur of the Late Cretaceous giant bird Gargantuavis from Cruzy (southern France) and its systematic implications (Link)
- Early evidence of molariform hypsodonty in a Triassic stem-mammal (Link)
- Seasonal denning behavior and population dynamics of the late Pleistocene peccary Platygonus compressus (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae) from Bat Cave, Missouri (PeerJ)
- State of the art forensic techniques reveal evidence of interpersonal violence ca. 30,000 years ago (PLOS ONE)
Community Events, Society Updates, and Resources:
- Dino Fest at the Science Museum of Minnesota, July 13, 10 am–4 pm (Link)
- Cretaceous & Beyond: Paleo of Western Interior (Dickinson Museum), Dickinson, North Dakota, September 14–17 (Link)
- Annual Meeting of the Paleontological Society (Paläontologische Gesellschaft), September 15–18, 2019, Munich (Link)
News and Views:
Animals and Anatomy, Fossils and Fossilization:
- Supersaurus, Ultrasaurus and Dystylosaurus in 2019, part 6: what happens to Supersaurus now? (SVPOW)
- Vespersaurus: Beast of the Week (PBW)
- This desert-dwelling dinosaur balanced on single toes (Link)
- Episode 101: Organic Preservation of Dinosaur Bone (Paleocast)
- Fossilized Dino Bones Are Home to Diverse Microbial Communities (Link)
- New Research Upends Relationships Among Sloth Species (Link)
- Fossil Friday – traces on a mammoth rib (Valley of the Mastodon)
Featured Folks, Fieldwork, and Museums:
- Welcoming Visitors to Our New Stomping Grounds (Royal Tyrrell Museum)
- Southeastern Geological Society of America Meeting (Time Scavengers)
- Darwin’s Worst Nightmare Part III: Conclusion of a Colossal Coincidence (Paige Madison)
- America’s First Paleontologist Hand-Wrote The Declaration Of Independence (Link)
- The Experts Behind the New Fossil Hall Wrap Their Minds Around ‘Deep Time’ (Link)
Methods and Musings:
- 21 years of The Reptipage (Reptipage)
- You’ve completed your review – now get credit with ORCID (PLOS ECR)
- Place, Place Baby (Extinct)
Arts, Books, Culture, Fun:
- Reconstructing Hadrosaurus for the Academy of Natural Sciences (PBW)
- Eyewitness Guides: Dinosaur – 30 years on (part 2) (LITC)
- Monsterising prehistory! The “how”, “why” and “so what” of monstrous palaeoart (Mark Witton)
- Mark Witton’s The Palaeoartist’s Handbook (TetZoo)
Do you have some news, a blog, or something just plain cool you want to share with the PLOS Paleo Community? Email it to us at, tweet it to us at @PLOSPaleo, or message us on Facebook.