Written by Veronique Kiermer and Iain Hrynaszkiewicz Earlier this month the Open Science Monitoring Initiative shared a draft of Open Science monitoring…
The PLOS Blogs Network: Fascinating Perspectives from Independent Writers and Staff Contributors

You may have noticed our PLOS Blogs Network has a fresh new look. What’s changed? A cleaner design, better user experience and enhanced search. What hasn’t? The same great content from our independent bloggers and staff contributors. Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll find on the ‘new and improved’ Network.
Independent Blogs
Absolutely Maybe: Meta-scientist Hilda Bastian writes about evidence and bias in medicine, and the culture of science. The blog is illustrated with her own cartoons.
DNA Science: Geneticist Ricki Lewis blogs from the cutting edge of genomics, including genetic testing, stem cells, gene therapy and more
All Models are Wrong: Dr. Tamsin Edwards tackles climate science in her blog, while at work at King’s College London and advising policymakers.
SciComm: PLOS SciComm helps scientists, physicians, and journalists become better communicators with the general public and policy makers. Krista Hoffmann-Longtin, Jason Organ, and Bill Sullivan of the Indiana University School of Medicine are the writers and editors at PLOS SciComm. If you would like to contribute to PLOS SciComm, please email them at scicommplos@gmail.com. Follow them on Twitter @SciCommPLOS.
The ECR Community: Andreas Vilhelmsson, a public health researcher at Lund University, Sweden, oversees this blog, which attracts the next generation of scientists and science writers who are currently at the undergrad, graduate or post-doctoral levels (up to 5 yrs post PhD). Posts provide unique insights into the current state of science education, research developments in individual disciplines, science communication and Open Access issues with special attention paid to education and career choices facing early career scientists at these critical stages of their work lives.
Your Say: is the site on PLOS BLOGS Network for guest posts from scientists and science writers who wish to express individual points of view on issues in science, medicine and scholarly publishing. We encourage voices and perspectives from any scientific discipline. If you would like to contribute to Your Say, please email your submission to us at:customercare@plos.org.
Staff Blogs:
The Official PLOS Blog: Announcements, perspectives, and policy updates from PLOS Staff. This is your go-to source to learn more about our collective mission and the ways in which we’re experimenting to help researchers transform scholarly communication and open science.
Speaking of Medicine: This blog encourages researchers and health policy experts to share their experiences from the field, views on critical health issues, hopes for the future of medicine, opinions on the medical education system, as well as any other thoughts about topics relevant to global health issues.
PLOS Biologue: This blog helps the community stay abreast of groundbreaking biological research and discussions in the field, on topics ranging from Open Access publishing developments and science policy, to science outreach and education, and the implications of new discoveries in biological research.
EveryONE: This blog covers a range of topics, from staff perspectives on publishing and Open Access developments to posts highlighting the breadth and variety of scientific research published in PLOS ONE.
PLOS Collections: Aggregates and curates related content from PLOS journals and the PLOS Blogs Network to provide structured access to papers of interest in the PLOS corpus and demonstrate innovative approaches to the assessment, organization and reuse of research, data and commentary.