Note: Review Commons posted this blog earlier this month. PLOS is cross-posting it to amplify the discussion of our participation in Review…
Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication — call for abstracts
Author: Veronique Kiermer, Chief Scientific Officer, PLOS
Calling your attention to the call for abstracts for the ninth Peer Review Congress published this week. Details are available in this Editorial, co-published by JAMA and the BMJ, and on the Congress website. You can watch the virtual symposium if you want to hear specifics from organizers of the Congress.
Every four year since 1989, the Peer Review Congress has brought together researchers, journal editors and all those who participate in the reporting and publication of scientific research, in order to put their own processes under scrutiny. The meetings have helped stimulate research into peer review and scientific publication — including studies of bias, reporting standards, prospective registration and many more topics.
The ninth Peer Review Congress will be held in September 2022 and the website will open for abstracts submissions on December 1, 2021. The deadline for abstract submissions will be January 31, 2022.
The Congress was originally anchored by medical journals–the JAMA network, the BMJ and the Meta-Research Innovation Center (METRICS) at Stanford are its organizers and planners–but it now embraces a wide range of disciplines. Sharing findings and experimentation across disciplinary boundaries is particularly important. The audience of this meeting is unique and includes researchers, editors, funders, information innovators, policymakers, ethicists, journalists and more.
For this next congress, I have the honor to be part of an amazing Advisory Board who will work with the organizers to shape the conference program. We look forward to receiving abstracts and helping to assemble a stimulating program of evidence-based discussions to improve the quality, effectiveness and fairness of peer review.