Today, a new paper describing new fossils of an early dolphin, Albertocetus, was published in PLOS ONE. This animal was named several years back, and…
Interview Author Interview: Bobby Boessenecker on the early dolphin Albertocetus
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: October 20, 2017
Featured Image: Foreyia maxkuhnia, a new Triassic coelacanth. From Cavin et al. (2017). Have you voted for the Top 10 Open Access…
Open Access Vote Now! Top 10 Open Access Fossil Taxa of 2017
From PLOS ONE to Palaeontologia Electronica, research on new fossil species is more accessible than ever before. This is a big step forward for our…
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: September 29, 2017
Featured Image: Palaeolenus lantenoisi trilobite. From Hopkins et al. (2017). CC-BY. Papers (All Open Access): A new Late Devonian isoetalean lycopsid from New…
Open Access Peer Review Week 2017: Peer Review from a Volunteer Editor’s Perspective
It’s Peer Review Week! This year’s theme addresses “Transparency in Review.” Transparency can mean a lot of things–for some, it entails a fully…
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: August 18, 2017
Featured Image: Lower jaw of Anatoliadelphys maasae, from Maga et al. 2017. CC-BY. Papers (All Open Access): Quid est Clea helena? Evidence for…
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: July 14, 2017
Featured Image: Teeth from the lower jaw of an antelope, featured in an article published in PLOS ONE that focused on crowdsourcing…
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: July 7, 2017
Featured Image: New methods for scanning large fossils was published this week in PLOS ONE. From Das et al. (2017). Papers (All…
Fossil Friday Roundup Fossil Friday Roundup: June 23, 2017
Featured Image: Remnant of a typical hydrothermal quartz dyke in the northern Jack Hills region / Western Australia which crystallized presumably in Archaean…
post Can the Laws of Robotics be Adapted for Paleontology?
The Laws of Robotics, created by writer Isaac Asimov, are one of the widely-known ethical concepts to spring forth from science fiction. These three…
post Ooooh, Barracuda!
Barracuda are fearsome aquatic predators, also known within pop culture for that song by Heart. The fish (not the song) within the genus Sphyraena…
Dinosaurs Social Media, Preprints, and a Dinosaur Tooth
Today my colleague George Phillips and I published a paper on the first known ceratopsid horned dinosaur from eastern North America. The…